Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Chance Encounters

Writing when you're bored is the best.

“When it comes down to it, all we really are is a humdrum combination of chance and choice, right?”
She muttered this and leaned over the chair.

He nodded and spoke as he typed.
“There’s no guiding force. There’s nothing stopping us. Nothing to tell us what we can or can’t do. The only thing that really affects us aside from our conscience decision is happenstance.”

 Stumbling upon an acquaintance in a park and falling head over heels.
 Crashing into old friends in unexpected places.
 Driving down a street and seeing a past lover glide by.

 Anyway you look at it its all just a matter of us deciding to act, and then stumbling beautifully through spontaneity along the way.” It dripped off his lips as he continued to type.

She batted her eyes and inhaled, “I have to admit something to you.”


“Sometimes I go places just to walk headstrong into the unpredictabilites of the universe. I sit in dusty bookstores watching people and let pure fortuity engulf me. The souls that pass, the interactions of others. They’re all so new, fleeting, so unexpected out in public”

He laughed and got up from his seat. “You know, If I didn’t come to the library today, at this specific time in the afternoon, If I didn’t get assigned a 3 page paper and wait to do it until the last minute, this never would have happened. Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me.” She beamed a smile.
“Who should I thank, then?”
“The wisps of uncertainty.”



The Baker said...

I'm touched, Stephen. You're a Grade A blogger.


bernadette. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bernadette. said...

^^ sorry i am html challenged at times.

just kidding!
you display an exceptional skill in writing! [=

Kai said...

Wow. (comment 1 of 50,000)

Sarah said...

I have yet to meet someone as good at describing chance and circumstance as good as you, Stephen.

sschmuldt said...

Haha, you don't even know how much I love the whole concept of chance and circumstance. It's on my mind at least an hour or more a a day.